Fight CFS provides you with real help fighting chronic fatigue syndrom.
No matter if you had a strong virus infect like Covid, Lyme-Borreliose or you are suffering from Psoriasis, Neurodermatitis or other auto-immune reactions.
This site provides tangible help by handing you with the best-practises of proven behavior, diet and medication.
Additionally, the site provides references to the best literature I could find on the topic.
Your life belongs to you. Take it back.
Fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
The last 10 years I searched the internet, read over 8000 book pages and around 30 scientific papers on the topic of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
Most of the authors or companies claiming to provide help just wanted to sell me their expensive stuff.
Never once I found an extensive space of knowledge providing a broader overview on this complex topic.
Therefore I launched this space.
It should provide you with a free and easy to use compendium on CFS and how you can ease your pain no matter whats your state of suffering is.
As the western medicine has still no real clue about CFS and most research hints at auto-immune deregulation I found the most promising approach should be a complete adjusted body balance program.
At least this approach helped me myself and hopefully will help you, if you try it.
Relevant Aspects
To fight CFS you need to cover several aspects of your life
Behavior and Habbits
Your daily behavior is together with your diet the important part in fighting chronic fatigue syndrome. Especially if you suffer from psoriasis or other auto-immune disease and not a one time virus infection this becomes your bread and butter. Start your recovery with this section.
Diet and Supplements
Today, most food is not good for even a healthy body. Your diet has a huge impact on your health and is integral for feeling well and healthy. This part is a must read together with the behavior part to fight any chronic fatigue syndrom and increase your potential to defeat or at least highly reduce the negative impact of psoriasis, neurodermatitis of other auto-immune disease.
Alternative medicine
Traditional or alternative medicine has mostly a more holistic and pragmatic approach to sickness.
If something helps, it helps.
This is an additional section to try out stuff and completement behavior and diet with suppliments, alternative medicine and possible chronic fatigue syndrom treatments.
Books and papers
Some recommendations on books and papers I found most useful if you want some deeper understanding on CFS and auto-immune desease.
Success Stories
I'm working on a forum like page so you can share your insides and what worked best for you.